Community Care

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At Lifegate Christian Church we believe that reaching out into the community is an important part of our ministry and we do this through a variety of ways.

Chit Chat Chew

Chit Chat Chew is at fortnightly lunch that is out on by our church to help generate a sense of community for those people that may feel isolated. It provides an opportunity for people to come together and have a meal and meet new people and build friendships with others. The meal is provided with no expectation of payment but a donation box is provided for those who wish to help in covering any costs.

Lifegate Community FoodCare

Lifegate Community FoodCare is a ‘foodbank’ style shop that we run which enables us to provide low cost groceries to those who are in need of a helping hand. FoodCare provides a range of products from long-life pantry goods, non food items to fresh fruit and vegetables. FoodCare is open every Thursday from 10am to 12:30pm and is available to anyone who has a centrelink benefit card – healthcare card or pension card.